February 19, 2010


Despite a couple Monty Python-esque goof ups between the city and the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, it’s been determined that our house is in Bald Eagle Zone #1215.  After debating whether the real threat was the dreaded nesting blue herons, the government bodies have decided it’s the eagles we have to protect. 

eagle zone

Tim the Bald Eagle (TM) is indeed within the legal zone limit of our house (by about 3 feet) so we can’t cut down any trees that he thinks would make a nice home.  The blue lines are the zones; the blue box is our house.  We’re about a wing flap into his space.  By this chart, the gutter of garage is the only thing in his zone.  Enjoy it Tim.

February 16, 2010


The not-so-surprising discovery of today is that our 50+ year old oil tank was leaking. Whilst being removed, the tank man discovered several small holes and small tree branches growing through the tank. It’s been drained, pulled from the ground and now we are awaiting official word from the state on how we need to dispose of the contaminated earth.

If you want to see what a 50 year old 500 gallon heating oil tank looks like, click on the picture or follow the demolition link.

February 3, 2010


Our architect Anna took a large bundle of papers and documents (and another check) to the Seattle Department of Public Documents today to apply for our building permits.  The city calls this an intake and probably finds no humor in me relating it to a prisoner.  Thanks to Anna’s glowing rapport with the city, our project has been expedited and we should have final permits by the end of the month.  Oh, along with another check.

We did learn about a bald eagle who lives near our house who, according to the state, requires absolute silence during its nesting cycle.  This could put a crimp in the construction timing but we’re hoping that Tim (what we’ve named the eagle) won’t mind a few nail guns and jackhammers.


The day has finally come where the house has a natural gas meter.  It’s not hooked to anything inside the house yet but we have a spankin’ new meter and it’s ready to supply us with heat, stovetops, BBQs and anything else that loves the blue flame.