The week keeps rolling with almost all the insulation in in one day! We opted for complete insulation (between all walls and between each floor) to keep things toasty, quiet and efficient. From rigid insulation in the living room to roll insulation in the walls to blow-in insulation in the ceilings and basement area, the house is well on its way to 4 star Green Built certification. Each crack is being filled with foam and extra care is being taken to reduce any in-wall draft and energy leaks. Drywall to be delivered this week and started to be installed within the next couple days. Things are really moving.
June 28, 2010
The steel stairs have been put in thanks to the hard work of Caleb from Dyna Contracting. Caleb and his assistant Morgan expertly fit the 1000+ pound steel stringers and treads, welded them onsite and prepped the stairs for the wood treads that will eventually be placed on top. Everything fit perfectly, exactly to plan and they did it with smiles.
June 25, 2010
Here’s Matt our trusty and detailed supervisor. He keeps things humming on the job site and has only ever said one bad word. And it really wasn’t even that bad. Matt’s had a busy week so he deserves the pic of the week.
June 23, 2010
The skylight was cut out of the master bathroom this week. It will be the exact size of the master shower so that the size of the shower goes all the way to the ceiling. Still covered in plastic here but gives a good glimpse into what it will look like.
More pictures below in the During: Windows, Insulation, Drywall link.
June 16, 2010
We’ve chosen the regally-named Kraus Neolithic Timber style of carpet for the two guestrooms. A nice collection of midcentury modern carpet styles from a Canadian firm.
June 14, 2010
A swarm of alien Cheetos have landed in our house and plugged the holes around vents, wiring holes, between floors and anywhere else air could leak in. Our contractor assures us that this is all in the name of energy efficiency. We think there was a sale on cheddar cheese puffs.
Or rather the framing inspection is scheduled for tomorrow. The team has been busy putting in last minute strapping, blocking, furring out walls and getting all things ready for the High Priestess of Framing Approvals. Fingers crossed that all goes well and we can move on to insulation and drywall.
Post-post note: The inspection passed today (June 15) on the first try. The inspector was supposedly reported to have said, “this is the most f#@*ing complicated framing I’ve seen in a long time.” And with that, dear sir, we’ll accept the compliment.
June 1, 2010
Thanks to the help of Jeff at Accent Flooring, we chose our final hardwood flooring today. We had selected American walnut and Jeff did up three different finishes for us. We picked the one to the left. Great variation in the wood, a medium brown with some gray undertones and a very typical midcentury wood choice to complement the house perfectly.